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Recruiting and Staffing Careers
10/5/2010 7:46 PM (PST)
Not a question. A Beware of fraud/Scam from this company. RSC or Recruiting and Staffing Careers. They are fake and they take your money but claim it is a money back after you start working except the jobs you are sending resumes to are not real and you make no money. The interview even seemed real and professional but I googled earthed it and the address I will post below comes back to a vacant building with a for lease sign out side and a phone number. It is a fake scaming those desperately looking for work@ The email I will also post below in case any others get this email.
Hi Carey,
It's Amy Kernan from (RASC-HR). I apologize
for not getting back to you sooner...I hope you
enjoyed your weekend... I just got back into my
office and received your resume from last week..
We have a very busy week ahead and I need to
start scheduling interviews...(I love Mondays)
Can You Interview This Week?
You recently applied for a position within
our Human Resources Recruiting Department.
We have reviewed your Resume and would like
you to schedule an interview time as soon as
What Day and Time is Better for You?
Please Keep in mind that We Need You to
Schedule your Interview Time with our
Applicant Tracking System by Clicking
on the link below...
Please Click Here to Schedule Your Interview
For your convenience we have several Day & Time
Options available for this week:
Interview Option 1 - Tuesday October 5th at 1pm Eastern / 10am Pacific
Interview Option 2 - Tuesday October 5th at 7pm Eastern / 4pm Pacific
Interview Option 3 - Wednesday October 6th at 1pm Eastern / 10am Pacific
Interview Option 4 - Thursday October 7th at 1pm Eastern / 10am Pacific
Please Note: We are conducting this interview in our
Web Conference Room. It's a Web-Based Interview Platform.
(Do not worry; You will not need a webcam or microphone we
take care of everything)
After you schedule your interview (day and time) we will
send you Login instructions... This is a great way for
our Candidates to Interview with us.
We have several openings for Entry Level and Experienced
Human Resources/Recruiters in our Corporate,Technical,and
Medical Staffing Departments.
Entry Level Full Time can earn up to -$63,750/yr (first year)
Experienced Recruiters can earn - $74,900 - $83,000+
Part Time - Depending on experience.
We look forward to meeting you....
Please Click Here Now To Schedule Your Interview
Entry Level Recruiters encouraged to Apply
*Serious applicants only*
Amy Grant-Kernan Assistant to:
Hugh Davis, Director of Recruiting
Phone: 1- (800)633-0522 ext 127
on the web at: RASCHR.Com
We are one of the Fastest Growing Professional Staffing Firms with
Recruiters and offices in over 100 major metropolitan cities including:
Atlanta, Austin, Boston,Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Detroit,
Honolulu, Houston, Inland Empire,Kansas City, Las Vegas, Los Angeles,
Miami, Minneapolis, Nashville, New York, Orange C
10/28/2010 7:38 AM (PST)
are you sure that the companies are not real who you sent the resumes too? I would understand if their not real like you said because if their not real then your sending resumes to no-one therefore making you no money; thus a scam. Im really curious about this business. Im hoping your not to busy to take some time to explain to me alittle what they actually have you do in the back office when you log in to the staffing and recruiting careers.com portal?
email: bpbss@yahoo.com
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