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ECX Estores-ECX Ecommerce Scams,Misrepresentations, Fraud
9/26/2009 6:00 PM (PST)
Hi Diane- I am a victim of the company (info) below and have paste much of the info I relied on, researched and read before being trapped into purchasing. Most notably is the BBB in New York! Whom gave this co., an A+ RATING! Which again, I researched online. I even found a way to get through over the phone to BBB in NY as they DO NOT answer phone at all! But did and talked to an agent to see if he would offer any additional insight. He did not! Simply repeated the info one could 'read' online by BBB. NOW! I find out, this is most likely the SAME company which operated out of CA., ( I will get an exact name for you if you can't reverse research) and find the same info. They have even 'quoted the Calif Uniform Code as where the 'Law which their 'contract' is based from. Know what? Only their 'CONTRACT' is listed there, and under the OLD COMPANY name in California. I haven't been able to find any such 'LAW' which uses the Code of the UCC Code of CA. I can't even begin to tell you the many laws in breach here of this company. Their 'CONTRACT' uses language such as, 'This Contract is NON CANCEL and says other areas, this contract shall not be deemed 'unenforceable...yada yada!
Can you dig a little please to see if this company with somehow a NEW slate of conduct, a clean bill of health, is not in fact, the same old company kicked out of Calif., now operating with a slight variation of other name. Your BBB says it has been in operation since 1996. So, I fell for that, thinking, 'Hey! Longevity and clean, must be legit, so did the deal. Now it may costs me either the $K plus, or likewise, maybe more for our law firm to get me out of this errant lease to buy, but you won't ever get out then without paying more dough, type contract. All of this because I believed BBB!!
I would appreciate ANY information you could find for me on this company with BBB resources. Sorry to connect with you through this medium, but BBB makes it extremely difficult to talk to an agent or rep over the phone! Thank You
Douglas Terry Member here
E-Commerce Exchange (ECX) New York • 732 Smithtown Bypass • Smithtown, NY 11787-5022 800-639-6644 • Fax 631-265-5580 • info@ecxweb.com E-Commerce Exchange is a registered ISO/MSP of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Walnut Creek, CA
E-Commerce Exchange is a registered ISO/MSP of the following FDIC insured banks: JP Morgan Chase Bank, Hicksville, NY.
9/28/2009 8:27 AM (PST)
There is a lot of information on E-Commerce Exchange available at www.bbb.org However, the BBB typically cautions consumers about work-at-home businesses. Although some can be successful, historically work-at-home business proposals are long on promises but short on results. If it were that easy, everyone would be doing it, right?
9/28/2009 5:30 PM (PST)
Hello Rick, Thanks for commenting. Originally I got all turned around on this site, and had typed this to a woman name Diane of BBB, sent it, then informed I can not write or email until a bonafide member. Then upon doing this, the page I found her with was no longer. But I had copied my email, saved it in a file. I tried to find her again and couldn't, but glad you did, and being UR w/BBB even better. Rick, problem is I looked this company up with BBB first to check viability of the A+ rating. The BBB stood behind the rating, of the company docile in New York. I saw that of 'other companies, similar name,ECX in CA. Since BBB does not 'normally' answer their phones, I kept putingt in different ext.# (I admit) until I got a combo that worked and put me on line with a human voice. He was surprised I got through, but nice enough to answer my questions. KNOWING already the long &short aspect of 'hard sells I tried to do 'deep due diligence. I know any business is not easy, if so, everyone would do it. Many attempt, more then many fail. In fact the rates of failure are very high, with rates of success low. Having built other types of websites for other reasons, I did not go into this naive. As long as there is a 'fair playing field, may the best man win in business. I was merely trying to make sure the playing field was fair! I relied on BBB in what I thought was their DEEP research and chain of information research to 'verify the info being put out about this company, period! Even the gentleman of BBB so kind enough to proceed with my devilish way of getting thru to a 'live' voice continued to give his BBB stamp of approval of this company in New York, that is. I find later, this is quite possibly the same company in CA with a F+ rating with so many complaints and many unresolved complaints. I found the info on ECX in California, and I asked. However, the info I received from BBB is the NY company, had been in biz since 1996 & recently in 2009 received this A+ rating, which seems to state, all in 13 years, this company had but a few complaints and all resolved as 'satisfactory! As according to BBB New York!! Now, yes, web businesses can be very beneficial if done correctly, as to my interest as hobby first, serious contender upon development. BUT, if the business model is 'scam, where in no way will anyone, including those with extreme expertise could make successful, a scam is a scam! Get your [consumer] money on the 'fraudulent, misrepresentations of falsified, ill fated, enticements or just plain 'lie' about everything from percentages to fees etc., and of those fees NEVER discussed, then back it by an unenforceable contract (they claim is enforceable), is and will always be 'illegal! This is not buyers beware Rick, this is 'fraud like Madoff Ponzi scheme Fraud of the 'illegal variety! It was backed by BBB! I relied upon their approval rating for final synopsis! Now I am finding, it doesn't take much to get the approval rating from BBB and easy
5/10/2010 2:20 PM (PST)
I got a business cash advance loan through EXS Credit Card Processing who i left a good review on earlier this year on this site. They set me up with a free credit card terminal (upgrade from my old one) and got me a cash advance to help my restaurant expand. They are very trustworth and is the reason i went with them. Their website is www.EXSCreditCardProcessing.com - hope this helps!
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