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american residential law group loan mod
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10/30/2009 4:37 PM (PST)

anybody know anything about american residential law group? anyone have experience with loan mod with this law firm?

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10/31/2009 12:52 AM (PST)

i have been talking with these people also about negotiating with my mortgage co. to lower my interest rate but i just dont feel comfortable with sending them 1295.00 without some guarantee. also i researched them online and they were just accredited this year and also there are no reviewsto read. makes me think they may have just started business?

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10/31/2009 4:23 AM (PST)

thanks. same price they told me. they also told me they had been doing this for a long time with perfect results. the lady was very fast talking and didnt want to take asking to hold off till i checked them out. if you hear anything please let me know, thanks again

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11/10/2009 9:59 PM (PST)

I just called this co today. The lady I spoke to, Faye, told me that she would call me back w/in a few hours to let me know if they can do a loan mod for me. After speaking w/ my lender they agreed to work together.

She also told me that they charge $1550.00. She then told me that they r well aware of the law...HELLO and u peeps r lawyers??? OK and that this money is disbursed throughout the modification process.

This is alot cheaper than what others charge but still it is against the law for any attorneys, or real estate licensees from demanding, charging, or collecting an advance fee from a consumer for loan modification or mortgage loan forbearance services. IF YOU ARE APPROACHED BY ANY PERSON REQUIRING UP FRONT FEES FOR THESE SERVICES DO NOT PAY THEM.

Go here

They gave u a price of $1295.00?? And me $1550.00??

ANybody done business w/ American residential law?? I would love to hear stories...good or bad.

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11/12/2009 2:47 PM (PST)

I used them, but asked to speak with main attorney before I paid. I also called the BBB and they let me know that they have to be in business for 1 full year before they will give accredited status....we ended up saving 433/month on our 1st mtg & 125 on the second. It took a little over 3 months, but I'm decently happy w/ the results. I worked with a company that offered a gurantee before,but when I saw there paperwork they guaranteed a "solution"...that didn't make me feel to comfortable.....hope this helps

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12/16/2009 12:13 PM (PST)

I was extremely skeptical of American Residential after my short sale failed when I worked with another “short sale specialist company” . My home equity loan was with Chase and they wouldn’t agree to the short sale. American Residential was able to reduce my home equity loan & reduced my first loan with ASC by $823. Now I don’t have to sell my home. The process took almost 3 months from start to finish. I wish it didn’t take so long.

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12/17/2009 11:23 AM (PST)

Ok, In general ARLG has been very helpful. Bottom line is that you need to have money to cover their retainer up front and have all your documents ready to go for them. Mortgage statements, letters from the mortgage co, bank statements, paystubs and tax returns. The sooner you can get these to them the quicker they can contact your mortgage co/bank and try to help you.

I started Dealing with ARLG last Thursday in a n effort to modify my mortgage and avoid a sale date on 12/18/09. After speaking with one of their specialists they agreed to help and my Mortgage Co agreed to work with them. They charged their fee plus $500.00 for a sale date under 45 days amounting to $2050.00.
On the following Monday they called to say if I can pay the Mortgage Co $3700.00 they can have the sale stopped and modify my mortgage. In the meantime the ACH they sent in bounced back. As my funds to cover that amount came from a bank out of state and did not clear in time. Dead silence form the point they notified me of the ACH bouncing back(The funds were available an hour later) up until this point. I have managed to pull together the $3700.00 and send the certified funds to my Mortgage co and notified ARLG. As I write this I noticed their retainer cleared my account. So I hope to hear from them today. I'll send an update as to the final outcome...

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1/2/2010 5:05 PM (PST)

Follow-up (apologies for the delay) Everything went fine. Communications delay was explained satisfactorily. They really went to bat for us and got us into a payment that we can be comfortable with and are now breathing easily for the first time in three years. Don't wait until the last minute... If you need or think you need help give them a call. Good Luck!

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1/26/2010 8:12 AM (PST)

I am just starting with American Residential Law group. Can anyone let me know if they are legitimate. I had my first contact today. Please send any information you can. good or bad.

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1/30/2010 3:15 PM (PST)

I did my homework. I hope. I called the Florida state Atty Generals office. ARLG checked out just fine. I called the State Board of Licensing (sp?) and they really are board certified lawyers. I called the BBB and they have been accredited for about 12 years with a triple A+++ rating with no complaints. Still a little skeptical, (I'm a Capricorn) I called my friend who lives in Fla. She drove by and there really is an office. I also called my congressman here in Massachusetts. They have no reason to believe other than they are on the up and up. Cautioned me not to pay up front. That would be a red flag. I hired them early Dec '09 and I refused to pay up front. They were fine with it. I negotiated 3 payments over time. And they started working on my case asap. They must have because I soon got a call from my mortgage company and they were not pleased that I hired a law firm. I too wish this would not take so long as I have other pressing legal matters to get working on. But, so far , so good. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and still praying I'm not being scammed.Also, if I remember correctly , I think the fees are a bit different according to the principal balance on your home. I paid 1550. But I'll keep fighting. I have done everything under the sun and then some to do this modification on my own. I got no where! (Citimortgage) I'm disabled and I have no extra money to be hiring lawyers but I had to. So, I hope this helps and I've been watching the economy closely. Who knows where we will all end up. I'm praying we all get to stay in our homes and it's affordable. ! Good luck to all . S.

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2/2/2010 7:24 PM (PST)

Please visit this link to see a thread already posted on here:

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4/29/2010 11:14 AM (PST)

i started working with them the first part of march. i advised them of my situation and they faxed me over a packet of information including a fee charge sheet. depending on your house loan depends on how much your retainer fee is. i had to pay 1550. after sending all the paperwork to them i later received a foreclosure and sale date letter from BOA. i sent that to ARLG and since my sale date was only 5 weeks away i had to pay another 500 to them. they got my sale date postponed while BOA was processing my paperwork. they stated to the law firm that i qualified for the Obama HAMP program. i still havent heard anything from them regarding this but i did receive a letter from BOA stating that they received my paperwork from the law firm and it will take 45 days to process. when i started working with ARLG i was advised that the whole process will take a few months. i have not had any bad experiences with the company and they are definetly better to work with then BOA i was lied to so many times from them and never was i told that i was in jeopardy of losing my home they kept telling me to send payments and then when they werent posting to my account or clearing my checking account i started questioning. ARLG has given me peace of mind while workin with them and they do tell you that if they are unable to give you a solution they refund your money. i hope this helps anyone that comes to questions about working with ARLG. they are great!

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5/4/2010 7:00 AM (PST)

Well, everything went fine with ARLG. They are legit and worked their as#$s off for me. It did take a little longer than I wanted but they did just what they promised! I got a fantastic modification! I don't' think Citibank is happy and I don't care. I got a 2%fixed rate for the rest of the loan, taxes and home insurance included, all back monies owed pulled into the principal (yuck, but , I guess that had to happen) my credit score with them was wiped clean, (yes I checked) and my first payment due was pushed back about 3 months. Whew! I got a few months ssdi checks to help with other things that were piling up. So, I made my first payment to them in May and hopefully, if all goes well, I'll sell this little house and get rid of a mortgage all together! LOL! I would use ARLG anytime and I have given their name out to many of my friends and then some! Best of luck to all.

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5/14/2010 6:36 PM (PST)

I'm currently using them. I did some checking on them and everything turned up fine. I initially had a problem with the upfront payment but at the end of the day I agreed to it because the loan modification process is very technical (for me) and the payment seemed fair. I'll report back to you on my end result which is to obtain a loan modification on my home.

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7/4/2010 6:58 AM (PST)

I am trying to make a decision here..... I have been taken advantage of so many times I am to the point of being scared to try this ....has anyone been PAID to respond on this web site about this company?? I t sounds to good to be true!

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7/4/2010 8:10 AM (PST)

Don't do it. Hire an attorney LOCAL to your community. Again, PLEASE, no matter what, do NOT give any money upfront. The help is out there for free but if you don't want to explore that route, hire an attorney in your community.

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7/4/2010 4:05 PM (PST)

I am currently working with American Residential Law Group. It is taking longer then I had thought. GMAC had offered me a settlement-- haha- the same rate I was paying before I started but now with escrow and insurance added in- which I had alway managed to pay myself. Payments went from $820.00 a month to $1420.00 and the same 6.125% rate-- that was not a modification ....So ARLG went back to bat for me again. I too paid the intial $1550-- took me a bit to get the money together but they are working for me and I am glad to hear other have had success. I asked Dexter- my rep- why is it taking so long his response was, "there are about 1 million people trying to do the exact same thing all at once." Do I believe him? Yes- I've read so many complaint boards about rip-off mortgage companies. thats is ridiculous!

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7/4/2010 4:21 PM (PST)

You are entitled to four conferences that, in effect, STOP FORECLOSURE, as long as you get your paperwork done and attend the conferences in Court. Nothing scary. I was seated in a room with about 80 other people in my situation. She specifically told all of us to NEVER NEVER EVER pay money for a loan modification unless it's on a hand-out list (that she gave us) that is approved by the government. I hope by sharing this I will help someone, even if it's just one person.

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8/29/2010 10:53 AM (PST)

I checked this company out before doing business with them, and decided to take my chances . I was charged 1650.00, The initial person I spoke with assured me that they called help me. He stated the first thing they would do is stop the sale date, needless to say they did not stop it. Quite naturally this panicked me. After they received my money it was next to impossible to contact them. Each time I called I kept getting the voicemail. They only way I was able to speak with someone was by acting as a new customer. I was then transferred to a so called manager, who gave a lot of lip service but did absolutely nothing to help my situation. He kept telling me what the next move would be as far as them contacting the mortgage company. I called the mortgage company myself, and they stated the only received one communication from ARLG, and it was just paper work, that I sent them. After pleading with the mortgage company they decided postpone the sale date two before it was to be sold. I give God the credit for touching someone;s heat to give me another opportunity at working out a loan modification. American Law Group took my , and did absolutely nothing for me. They did not even have the courtesy to tell me there was noting they could do. This company is smart enough to use the law to protect itself, but they are nothing but scam artists. I have a wife and kids that they stole money from. The better business bureau has given them a good rating because of the money they contribute to them. PLEASE DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THESE PEOPLE, THEY WILL STEAL YOUR MONEY... THERE ARE MANY ORGANIZTIONS WILLING TO HELP YOU FOR FREE. THE MORTGAGE COMPANIES DO NOT WANT YOUR HOME, AND WILL WORK WITH YOU IF YOU CALL AND SPEAK WITH THEM, JUST KEEP ON CALLING, UNTIL YOU GET SOMEONE WHO IS WILLING TO WORK WITH YOU.

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8/30/2010 8:11 AM (PST)

Wow, I'm just so blown away. I'm so sorry for anyone who has been "taken" by ARLG. I had a very nice experience with them from start to finish. I even had my friend who lives in Fl drive by their office to make sure they were ligit. I made so many calls before I even contacted them. I got everything taken care of and I have to say, I'm doing okay now. I'm sadden by the turn of events I'm hearing. And I'm wondering why they were so good to me and not everybody else. A lack of info maybe.?? I don't know, I just don't know.

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8/30/2010 12:07 PM (PST)

I have been switched to a new repesentative, who seems to have picked up the bal that other rep had dropped. When she recieved my information -the first thing she did was to call GMAC and their attorney to find out what was going on and where everything stands as of to date. Then she called me with an update. As far as ARLG being able to stop the sale of your house- they can't do that- but no sale date can be set as long as its in litigation. I was told not to filed chapter 13 because it would only prelong a modification. But you can bet that if a date is set I will be on the way to file. My experience with ARLG ---seems to be taking a long time to do the modification- but from what I'm seeing and hearing GMAC is the one dragging their feet with the new offer.....

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12/23/2010 8:19 PM (PST)

In June of 2010 I found this law firm on the Internet and decided to hire them to help me modify my loan with Chase Bank. I had personally tried to do a modification with Chase Bank that drug on for a year and a half of making trial payments.. that were $400.00 higher than my original payments on the note. Chase had taken the extra $400.00 from every payment that I was making and applying it to late fees and interest...rather than putting the money in my escrow account. This only made my matters worse, and I felt I needed some sort of legal representation to work through this. I quit making payments in June 2010, and hired American Residential Law Group. I gave them all the required info and was told that they would check with my investor, and see if they were willing to work with me. The next day they called and said my investor was indeed willing to work with me, so I made my first 825.00 payment. 30 days later I made the second 825.00 payment. I never once heard anything from anybody at ARLG. They would not return my calls, emails...Nothing. Five months later, I get a foreclosure notice from the attorneys notifying me of a sale date that is two weeks away. Someone from ARLG finally call tell me that they are unable to help me, that the investor is not willing to negotiate a modification. Now the first thing they told me was they talked to my investor, and "they were willing to negotiate" with me. They refused any kind of refund back to me, and now they have really made things bad for me. I trusted, and was comfortable with a "firm" handling my file, so i didn't stay to persistent. But now time has run out, and I don't know what, if any that I can do to save my house. Also Chase told me they never received any kind of documents for a modification from ARLG. ARLG totally kicked me when I was already down, and has now put my family in jeopardy of a place to live. DO NOT hire this so called "law firm". There are similar complaints on Florida's BBB website regarding this agency, which i didn't know before. They have operated under at least two other DBA's in the past, changing names to hide bad business practices.

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1/12/2011 5:48 PM (PST)

ets see where do I start..... We hired ARLG back in OCT 2010 and at first they seemed to be living up to there A on BBB. They had good communication and they seemed like they where on top of things. Then all of a sudden, they are GONE. No phone return phone calls, no return e-mails, NOTHING!!! I had my reps number and when I called it is not hers any more. Then I call her ext. and it is someone total different than the other. I try calling her assistant and she does not have a phone no more either! I tried their web site customer care thingy, they guarantee a response with in 24 hours......YEAH RIGHT.....NOTHING!!! I try calling and get put on hold for over 2 hours! So feeling very helpless and lost, I called my mortgage company to see when was the last time they had any contact with them and they tell me that they have only two records of contact and the last time was Nov.22. WHAT??? The last email I had was beginning of Dec and it was from my so called negotiator that stated that she will keep me informed and she was working with them. NOT!!! All I can say is that we too are now looking at foreclosure because they told us not to pay any thing and they can put our delinquency at the end of the loan. Now we owe soooo much how in the world are we going to get caught up??? I fell so angry and scared! We just got scammed out of 1600 and we have nothing else to help get out of this mess!!! Thanks to ARLG to leaving me and my family out in the cold!!! Oh yes before I start blaming my own stupidity for hiring them, Yes I found them but when I did they had a lot more good reviews than bad and they where at an A- according to the BBB. But now, for some reason, when I look for them there they have no rating for them right now due to up-dating their file. Does any one know what's up with that? Word of advise...If is sounds to good to be true then DON"T do it, and another thing to remember that you do not have to pay up front on loan modification matters. Keep your money til the job is done

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1/13/2011 3:46 PM (PST)

Hi Heidi C.

As of Jan. 10th, ARLG has been doing their job for me. I spoke to my rep on the 10th she told me she had spoke to GMAC and they have set me up for a forebearance with a payment schedule for 3 months, then the modification would be made. Now up to this time I had not spoken toGMAC at all- but after reading you post- I panicked and called ARLG- got the message on almost all the numbers they have posted -- except for Faye B- she was the rep who set up the payment schedule- her voice mail was still the normal one- I did leave her a message to call me. I then called the modification department at GMAC and verifed all/ any communication from ARLG-she verified everything my ARLG rep had told me. My papers for the trail nodification will arrive shortly from GMAC. Iasked GMAC why it was taking so long for all this to go through- over a year- I was told they were swamped with thousands of people trying to do the same thing. -- sounds to me like they should set so many modifcations per rep instead of passing the along to the next desk over-- which is what my ARLG rep tod me- she had never spoken to the same person twice. ....So ARLG has done their part for me-- I'll let you know what / when - if I get a phone call back. Good Luck!

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1/14/2011 7:54 AM (PST)

Heidi C is affiliated with ARLG. So Heidi C, your experience with ARLG would not be considered as a legitimate one. ARLG has now changed there greeting when you call the toll free number stateing they have cut back on staff, and are trying to retain help from local attorneys. Yea right. Its just a nice way of saying we just screwed you, and the attorney part is just to intimidate you from taking action against them. DO NOT LET IT. Call the attorney general to file a complaint, and we can file a class action lawsuit against Joel Jacobi.

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1/14/2011 1:01 PM (PST)

Blake- how do you know Heidi C works for ARLG? Yoy can't tell that from her profile? At this point I know work was done on my mortgage and GMAC comfirmed (to me personally I called them)the paperwork would be mailed within a day or so. The information GMAC told me was the exact information Amber had told me. SO they did help me to say..Haven't heard anything back yet.
Everyone just keep posting any information you can find on whats going one with ARGL........please ..... so we can all be informed! Thanks! Lorib

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3/15/2011 8:35 AM (PST)

I filed a complaint against American Residential Law Group with the Florida Attorney General's office. I received the following response that I think everyone who has paid ARLG a dime should read carefully.

From: "AG" <>
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 1:00:15 PM
Subject: From Attorney General Pam Bondi

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi received your email regarding American
Residential Law Group. Attorney General Bondi asked that I respond. I am
sorry for your difficulties.

I understand how important this issue is to you, and I appreciate the
opportunity to review your concerns. Our office reviews complaints to
develop information about patterns of questionable business activities.
Please note our office does not mediate individual consumer complaints,
and Florida law precludes our office from providing legal advice or
opinions to private individuals. However, I hope the following
suggestions will prove helpful to you.

Section 501.1377, Florida Statutes, specifically addresses foreclosure
rescue businesses and potentially abusive business practices. The law
prohibits businesses or individuals from collecting up-front fees from
homeowners prior to completing all services contained in the contract.
Please visit Attorney General Bondi's mortgage fraud website for more
information including an overview of section 501.1377:

Section 501.1377, Florida Statutes, and the Florida Statutes in entirety
are available in a searchable database online at:

I recommend that you continue to work with the Office of Financial
Regulation (OFR), which licenses and oversees the mortgage industry in
Florida, and as of January 1, 2010, loan modification companies must also
be licensed through OFR. You may contact the OFR at:

Florida Office of Financial Regulation
Fort Lauderdale Regional Office
1400 West Commercial Boulevard, Suite 135
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
Phone: (954) 958-5508
Fax: (954) 598-7138

To file a complaint against an attorney or law firm, please contact The
Florida Bar. The Florida Supreme Court has designated The Florida Bar as
the agency responsible for reviewing grievances against lawyers licensed
to practice in this state. You may contact The Bar by phone at (850)
561-5839, or you may visit their website for further information regarding
the grievance process:

If you need loan modification assistance, I encourage you to contact the
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The HUD can

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3/15/2011 8:38 AM (PST)

provide you with information that may prove helpful to your individual
situation such as the Hope for Homeowners program, the redemption period,
and other services. You may contact the HUD toll-free at 1-800-569-4287
or visit the following link to that agency's website for resources for
homeowners in Tennessee:

I also recommend that you review the following information provided by the
Tennessee Housing Development Agency's website (listed below), which
provides important information on the foreclosure process and tips to help
you avoid foreclosure, as well as other valuable resources to assist you:

Finally, it is important that you continue to take any and all necessary
steps to protect your legal interests, which may include your need to
consult a private attorney. A private attorney can give you the legal
advice which our office is precluded by law from giving to private
individuals. The Tennessee Bar Association offers information on how to
find a lawyer in your area which you may access on their website below:

Thank you for contacting Attorney General Bondi's Office. I hope this
proves helpful.

Jennifer Gordon
Office of Citizen Services


To contact this office please visit the Attorney General's website at and complete the on-line contact form. Again,
thank you for contacting the Office of the Florida Attorney General.

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3/15/2011 8:45 AM (PST)

The BBB has REVOKED ARLG's accreditation, see:

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