Kathleen G.'s review of Arase Law Firm, PC

Arase Law Firm, PC

Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 7/18/2011
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Review 7/18/2011
I was referred by a friend (D. Fairon at United Liberty)of a friend to Arase Law Firm to assist me with my loan modification. I retained this firm on February 25, 2009. At that time their office was in Garden Grove, CA. I was requested to pay via cashiers check $5,000 up front. I faxed to them various documents that they requested on March 9,2009 and July 14,2009. During this process my house went up for auction three times. I would have to call them constantly and either leave voice messages or emails with no response for weeks at a time. I was forced to file bankruptcy paperwork in July 2009, but later let it drop as I was told by AJ at the law firm that Perris was working on my litigation with my mortgage company and would call me to give me an update. Every time I would talk to someone they were assuring me that they are working with my mortgage company and that I should hear something soon. Finally, in early November I found out my house was up for sale again for the 3rd time on Nov 23,2009. On Nov 18,2009 my daughter went to their office, but when she arrived at the Garden Grove office she found they had moved. She located their new office and asked to speak with a manager. Irene Reynolds, Operations Manager spoke with her and stated to have me call her. I called Irene Reynolds and left her a voice message to call me back as soon as possible. On Nov 19,2009 I received a call back from Irene and on the line with her was Mr. No an attorney from Quantum Law Ofc. They told me that "Basically there is not enough violations to go forward with a litigation case". I was advised that my only alternative is bankruptcy or short sale at this point. I stated that it took them almost 1 year to tell me this with a pending sale date of Nov 23,2009 at 10:30 a.m.

This firm never helped me nor have they refunded my fee as stated on the front page of my contract: If Attorney is unable to negotiate a plan on Client's behalf with Client's lender, Attorney shall refund fee to Client. I was very disappointed with this company and would never suggest them to anyone. In the mean time, I had to file for bankruptcy and find another company that was able to help me with my loan remodification. I highly suggest that you check the BBB regarding this firm and do not use their services.
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Additional Business Information
Hours   Phone   (714) 893-6071 Address   270 South Bristol Street Ste.101-303
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Website   Email   da@araselaw.com;darase@lawteampro.com
Contact   David K. Arase Other  
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