daniel s.'s review of Catch Matchmaking, LLC.

Catch Matchmaking, LLC.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 11/26/2012
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Misleading membership promotion ,
The organization show pictures on web site showing young 20, 30 40 Max or so member .. but their members are all in their 60 and late 70 70 totally misleading .. parties are also misleading went to an event paid for thanksgiving left in 10 min disappointing they advertised exciting thanksgiving meals but served warmed up turkey salami..processed meat .. rather than thanks giving turkey .. sent 3 e mail they refuse refunding my money I ate nothing was embarrassing they made small plates and gave 2 thin slices of rubber looking warmed up turkey breast to these senior citizens as if they were kinder-garden student telling them to come back for more ..as if this in not America , but some third world country !!!.they kept my money refusing any refund even I left and ate nothing in this party , I heard others complaining
Business's response - on 11/26/2012
Hi Daniel, The event we were promoting was LA Singles' Society's event. We promote it for them and it's an event for singles ages 45 and up so I can see why there were no 20's or 30's there. We didn't host the event. However, I can refund you $15 anyway since you didn't have a good time. Customer service is very important to us so please feel free to call me at 310 867 0851 or email me at may@catchmatchmaking.com and I can refund you the $15. I'm not sure why the other company didn't want to do that. Thanks, May Hui
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Additional Business Information
Hours   Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm, and by appointments Saturday: by appointment Phone   (310) 842-8475 Address   9854 National Blvd., Suite 345
Los Angeles, CA 90034
Website   http://www.catchmatchmaking.com Email   info@catchmatchmaking.com
Contact   May Hui Other  
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