Maynard B.'s review of Colorado River Adventures, Inc.

Colorado River Adventures, Inc.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 5/12/2015
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My wife and I are retired, planning to purchase an RV, and are reviewing various camping options, memberships, organizations, etc. We received a call last week from a salesman at Colorado River Adventures offering prizes to attend a sales presentation (NO OBLIGATION) at their Havasu Springs Resort near Parker, AZ. We thought this might be a good opportunity to learn more about the area and this style of RV camping. So we agreed to drive down from Henderson, NV on Saturday for a 2PM presentation. We received no other directions and had to navigate there by GPS and a last minute phone call. We arrived on schedule (after a 2 hr and 45 minute trip) and were presented with a sign-in paper whose last paragraph stated that if we did not buy today we would not be eligible for two years and would have to pay an extra $200 per year to join. We refused to sign and were thus refused the presentation and the "prizes". In conclusion we learned everything we needed to know about Colorado River Adventures, Inc. (Old, dilapidated resort, hot desert setting, unethical management). We did have a nice ride and some fun in Lake Havasu City. Probably won't ever go back though.
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Hours   Phone   (760) 663-4941 Address   2715 Parker Dam Road
Parker, CA 92242
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Contact   Phil Younis Other  
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