Thomas C.'s review of Corporate Business Solutions Inc

Corporate Business Solutions Inc

Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 6/13/2018
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Put us in debt, and did not follow through on what they promised.
Corporate Business Solutions - CBS Don’t let them in your business! They also operate under different names BEWARE My second contact with them was with their Senior Vice President (everyone there has an important tile) Craig Karr. He had come in to our business and spoke with me, asked me about our business and if I had several things in place, which we did not, (I bet most companies don’t have any of the things they talk about in place). He said he would have his Analyst Justin Corneliusen come in the following day. (He ended up in my office for 2 days,) He had told us of all the things we were doing wrong and losing money, which now I have realized was a bunch of BS. After I screwed up and took his advice, he said he would have his “Sr. Project Manager” and a “Sr. Business consultant here the following Monday morning to get started. For a low price of $35,000. But they are going to help us grow over 40% in the next 52 weeks and be more profitable. Bla bla bla Monday morning comes, and here are 2 guys ready to get started. Telling us how they are in charge and going to help us get to the next level. so, Monday and Tuesday the 2 of them are here setting up and working with us. So far, I am a little skeptical, but working with them. The project manager says he is going to help get us funding, so we have money to continue funding our jobs (MORE BS). It is so they can get paid, and they attempt to get all of it of the next few weeks. Advice - Kick them out ASAP. They will make you feel like they are the smartest and you as their client are stupid and need them. The project Manager takes off Tuesday afternoon, leaving the “Sr. Business Consultant” to work with us. I get some good information the first week, but I am expecting a lot more the following week, $35,000 is a lot of money. Week two, John shows back up, we are going over the same things as week one, a little more information early in the week, but other then that, nothing new. He is also getting calls from his supervisor, on the phone for long periods of time. 3 weeks of this crap, and they still want to return for more, and of course bill you for their time. I had sent the Project manager a text the weekend following the 3rd week, telling him, I was VERY disappointed in the service and product we got, and not to show back up. This company SUCKS. Of course, he shows back up, saying there is no charge for the extra time, he is going to make things right. WTF, no charge? We paid their astronomical fees, they didn’t deliver their promises or product. (If I do a job for a customer, and screw something up, I don’t go tell them, we wont charge you to fix our mistake, who the hell thinks like that) So now we are on week 4, and got about 7 days’ worth of information and service, the rest of the time going over the same crap and Consultant trying to upsell you on more time, Now being very un-happy, they decide to bring in another consultant to make sure we understand and they deliver what they promise (more upsell attempts the first day with Bill the replacement) and now back to square one, so much time is wasted at this point, but I will give them a chance to make things better, it will never be right, CBS continues to tell me these weeks are at no charge to us (Banconn Enterprise Inc., more BS we already agreed to pay the $35K.) Finishing up week four, nothing new, we are still going over the same things at the end of the week, they keep trying to find new problems with our company and how we need them for more time. Monday of week 5, I get a text message from the consultant, he is sick and will not be here this week. No problem, I can wait if needed for him to return. Then later that morning I receive a phone call from his manager, telling me that Bill is sick and won’t be coming out, I also told him, I would rather wait until he gets better then to have consultant #3 show up. He agreed at that point and thanked me for understanding. Tuesday Morning March 27, 2018, I get to my office and the project manager Stephen Davis is there with yet another “Senior Business Consultant” Brad. WTF!! I feel sorry for him, walking in to a mess that we have already had 2 others SBC’s going over the same material. The Project manager forcing this guy to ride with my business partner for the rest of the day Tuesday and all-day Wednesday. He then is in Oakland CA. and needs internet service. So, he finds a Coffee house to sit at all day, so he has contact with the corporate office, not interacting with us and not in our office working on anything. We are not sure what is going on, and realistically, what can he do to help our company in a coffee house. When they returned, I was still at the office at 8:45pm (this was what the Project Manager made him do). And here it came, the notorious up sell, I can have him come back. Thursday, I have about an hour with working with him, and he starts going over the same thing as I had gone over in week one. But to be fair he had no idea what was going on. But he tried again, more time. I explained that was not going to happen, I had already been ripped off. And told him not to return next week. Friday, I had appointments and never saw him, our office staff told him I would not be in, I had multiple appointments that day. He needed my signature on his paperwork, pretty much stating I was satisfied. Like hell, I am still not satisfied. DO NOT HIRE THEM worst decision I ever made. I received more information at a one-day Dave Ramsey Event in Pasadena (under $1000. Event cost, Hotel, Flight, meals rental car, etc.) then I did in 5 weeks of there system and Upsell attempts. 3 months ago they said that they wanted to make things right and someone would contact me in the next couple of days, I have never heard from them. Typical of this corrupt company.
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