Jessica J.'s review of

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 1/19/2009
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Review 1/19/2009
Hello! My name is Jessica and I am the Operations Manager here at Go!Merch, and I would like to offer some answers to questions our customers may have. As you may or may not know, Go!Merch started out as a very small company, and we have been trying to keep up with our very rapid growth. At times, we have struggled, but it is because of loyal customers that our company has been able to grow and thrive, and we thank you. Of course, along with growth comes growing pains, and we have experienced our fair share. I know many of you are aware that we have had set backs and mistakes along the way, but in the end, we have learned from these obstacles and it has made us a better company. Over the Holiday months, our company experienced an exceptionally high volume of orders, e-mails, and phone calls, which we tried our very best to keep up with, but some of you were not answered in a timely manner, and for that we can only offer our most sincere of apologies. The good news is that we've made a lot of changes that we are excited about and we hope you will be too! First off, we are moving into a bigger warehouse which will allow us to be more organized and efficient. Second, we are having a brand new phone system installed which will assure that each and every one of our customers who need assistance will be able to contact us easily, and we will be able to respond much faster. Finally, we are installing a new system which will allow us to offer better shipping rates, charge our customers and provide tracking informations only after the item is packed up and shipped. All of us at Go!Merch are beyond excited for all these new changes, as it will make us able to provide a better service for all of you. I know some of you did not receive the Go!Merch experience that you deserve, or that we WANT you to have, and I'm sure some of you will not order from our company again. I would be lying if I said we weren't disappointed. Not only in ourselves, but also to see any of you go. For any of you that are on the fence with our company, please be assured that Go!Merch has grown into a better, more organized company and we look forward to providing only the most excellent service to all of our customers in the days ahead. We can only hope that some of you will consider our company in the future for your online band merchandise. Again, all of us at Go!Merch want to thank you not only for your business, but also for your patience and understanding while we ironed out the kinks. In addition, if you have an issue that has not been resolved, or we can do anything at all to make sure you are satisfied, please do not hesitate to ask. You can contact our customer service at, or by calling 818.882.3277 M-F from 10am - 6pm In addition, you can reach me directly at Thank You! Jessica GoMerch Operations Manager
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