harmik's review of IMARKETERS.NET, Inc.


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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 2/2/2012
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USAparis, Imarketers.net Inc, Hometown Ltd a big scam
Just to warn eveybody keep away from USAparis, Imarketers.net Inc. , HomeInTown limited and HomeParisien big scam organization, keep away from them.

I rented an Appartment in Paris for 4 days during Thanksgiving. When we arrived at the place, the appartment was totally misrepresented as a two bedroom two bathroom appartment. It was a one bedroom and one bath with another bed in the enterance halway (Imagine). The appartment was dirty, there was no hot water and lot's of broken items that I had reported in my receiving process. The second bathroom was just a toilet without handwashing sink in a closet on the stairs. (go knows how many people were sharing that, and just imagine a toilet with no hand washing basin). They had provided us with a emergency phone number that nobody every answered. They were just corresponding with email during business hours. They promissed us that they will stop by and take care of the issues, but they never did. Then they told us that they knew that the hotwater is broken and they will send someone to fix it next day. Just leave the keys in the designated post box and we will send someone to take care of it (yeh right leave all of our valubles there so they can send someone there when we are not there).
We decided to leave the next day and move to a hotel. becuase we still did not have hot water. After we returned we made a complain. I have talked to Sacha and also another person called Joe Forier. This was after tens of emails and calling their office many times. Then they sent me an email and told me that they agree and will send me a check for 2 nights and my deposit back on January 3-rd. They sent me a check. Correct but guess what the check bounced. They know all the tricks. I wrote a complaint to Homeaway about this organization. The have closed thier USAparis office. The telephone is not getting answered and they the emails are not being answered too.
I went back to my listing in Homeaway and I realized that the same listing number they have put another appartment with the same reviews as the other appartment with another organization called HomeParisien with theor phone number as 305-514-0626

I called the number guess what exactly the same people. Wow Sacha was quite surprised that we I found him. he said there was a mistake and they will send another check to me. Then they send me an email and told me that becuase I have complained to Homeaway and I ahave SLANDERED their business they are going to put the check in Escrow account with their lawyer and the Lawyer will contact me. By the way Mr. Joe Forier called me from a telephone number that you can not call back. It is very straneg. This time this Joe Forier was a totally different person much younger and with heavy French accent.
I take their challenge.I do not knwo where their lawyer is?
I am contacting the district attorney in Florida to make an official complaint from this organization. If you have been scammed out of your money please join me to stop this organization.
I work too hard for my money. And I am not going to give it to this scam artists.
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Additional Business Information
Hours   Phone   (877) 217-2747 Address   951 Lake Wyman Road
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Website   http://www.usaparis.com Email  
Contact   Peter Van Der Vliet Other  
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