True Life Savers
K&M Law and Erick McAllister are the best life savers ever! I am a self-employed woman in northern California. My business revenue had fallen due to our nation's economy. Because of this, I had fallen behind on my mortgage payments. I knew that foreclosure was just around the corner because of my mortgage company's phone calls and threatening letters. I had tried to get a loan modification with other companies but was turned down because of my bad credit. I had also gone through the loan modification process directly with my mortgage company but was denied approval twice by them. By a stroke of good luck, I had received a phone call from Erick McAllister offering his company's services. I am so glad that I took that leap of faith with them. Not only did K&M Law get my loan modification approved but they got my loan payment cut in HALF! I recommend K&M Law to anyone and everyone that is in need of help with a loan modification. Thank you Erick, you've saved me from having to live under a bridge by the freeway (the trolls are very picky about who they want there) ;-) Best regards, Stephanie from San Jose, CA