Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 2/10/2020
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1 Star
When I first started with Merchant One, I absolutely fell in love with the company. I thought they were the best thing since sliced bread! Gaby Sokolow is the absolute best treated me like royalty, when ever I had a problem I called her and she took care of it immediately. They had the lowest transaction rates I have ever seen. Until one day, on January 6th, one of my clients was paying me higher than the maximum I was allowed to run threw the terminal. So I called Gabby she was the best and said let’s see if we can run it threw anyhow. I had to give 3 bank statements to the underwriting team, they told me they were not able to do it. No big deal, it wasn’t necessary, so she said she would transfer me to Daniel Aronovski. This is where my trouble began, he seemed so nice he acted as if it was no big deal he said on Monday we will run it through the system and take care of it. What i didn’t realize and they were higher my limit which I didn’t want or need. So Monday comes around and my client is with me about to run it through the system. Here Daniel tells me we are unable to do it, you are a high risk merchant, we’re sending you to zen payments. I had a hard inquiry on my credit I was completely unaware any of this was going to happen. Now I can’t even do business with Merchant One, I don’t even have a credit card processor at this point, can’t take any cards! I was paying 0.2% with Merchant One and this new credit card processor wanted 4.5-6.5% and 100$ a month for being a “high risk” Merchant plus another hard inquiry! I had no choice so I went with Zen Payments after getting all my information together Kaipo Hurt with Zen payments said now we need pictures of the business. I said I’m not a brick and mortar business, I’m a life coach. Would you believe they did not respond after I said that! I’m a small business owner I cannot afford this! But have no choice, I have no income with no processor, I have bills to pay, mouths to feed. As frustrated as I was I calmed down and called Merchant One to see if they could fix this. I talked to another account manager. He said that this is unacceptable and he will go down to underwriting personally and take care of this. 1week later I heard nothing from Merchant One, so I called them again explaining the situation. They said they could not do anything since I was already labeled a “high risk merchant” and was sent off to Zen Payments with Kaipo Hurtt. How ever I could apply back in 3 months. Than today comes along I check my bank account, they took 225$ out of my account! I called them asking why they said I never returned the credit card terminal. A 50$ terminal! They charge 225$! I do vaguely remember getting an email from them but I’m a very busy person and was in Las Vegas for a convention at the time. So they said if I return it they will send me the 225$ back. Needless to say the company I fell in love with treated me unfairly and I really wish they would make things right with me and I’m still open for them to.
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