James B.'s review of Mobile Device Protection Association, LLC

Mobile Device Protection Association, LLC

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 3/20/2013
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Crappy customer service, repair or replace with "new" phone, my heinie
My daughters droid Razr, while sitting in her pocket, started to heat up dangerously, warble "droid" in its death throws and eventually cracked the screen. Paid to send to repair facility specified in RFS. Took them 2 business days with weekend in between
to accept device into system after it arrived (per UPS tracking). Told 24-48 hours to evaluate/repair. 96 hours later I tracked down a number and called them. A very nice lady tracked it down for me, discovered that the phone had been declared irreparable
2 days earlier and they didn't bother to tell anyone, and pushed to get me a "new" phone in the mail. Should have been a success story and good rating. Phone arrived quicker than expected. However, it was obviously used, with a scratched screen, poorly applied
screen cover and a non-functional microphone. MDPA's response was a curt "talk to Wholesale Wireless" and phone number. I did. Told me they would send a UPS label to send back the BAD replacement, and get me a good replacement checked out and in the mail.
Failed to tell me until 2 days later those were tied together (e.g. as soon as BAD replacement was in UPS system, *then* they would send a good replacment). BAD replacement put in UPS on Thursday late, message left with different guy on Friday that it's there
and please get my replacement going. Following monday it had not been sent, but they were to send it that day and get me a tracking number. Wednesday morning still no tracking number, so I called, told by a different guy (I believe WW only has 3 people working
there) that it should be there any time but was unable to give me the actual tracking number. Supposedly I'll get an email with it today, but it should arrive today. Both MDPA and Wholesale Wireless (Oak Park, MI, apparently both repair and replace facility
for MDPA) are lacking in customer service and professionalism. MDPA representatives (other than the first gal I spoke to 2 weeks ago) will take no responsibility for their subcontractors.
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Additional Business Information
Hours   Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Phone   (800) 654-5590 Address   3081 E Commercial Blvd 2nd Floor
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
Website   http://www.mobiledeviceprotection.com Email   fran.eng@mobiledeviceprotection.com
Contact   Francine Bon Other  
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