dahliap's review of MyRealtyDeal.com


Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 3/23/2011
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Review 3/23/2011
Myrealtydeal.com is a SCAM! PLEASE don't fall in to their trap. It will cost you $200, a ton of aggravation and no house to rent. I am putting together a list of people that have been scammed by them to hopefully start a CLASS ACTION law suit. If you have been ripped off by them, please send me an email. If you haven't, please read the following as about 1/5 listings on Craigslist is one of theirs. I will explain what to look for in their ad's and then explain what they're doing. WHAT TO LOOK FOR: 1) They list a street name but no street number (example - Knobhill Dr, Sherman Oaks). No actual house number. 2) They always have "reference" or "listing" numbers to use when you call. They have several phone numbers but (310) 881-1308 is one that they use a lot. They have every area code imaginable though. 3) You could never email them back. It just says "see below" in the reply section. 4) Their ads usually look like flyers but not always. 5) They sometimes advertise as "Rent to own". 6) They have SEVERAL ads on here. I mean like 5/10 is theirs. When you see one of these ad's please mark it as SPAM before backing out of that page. THE SCAM: When you call they will not give you any information until you sign up. They want something like $200 to join and then they will give you the name and phone number of the owner of that house. Now. I've investigated and every house they list on here is a house that is in default. They list the correct sq. ft and bed/bath setup, but have fake pictures. I'm assuming so that if the owner comes after them, they could say it wasn't the same house. I'm a Realtor and have thoroughly investigated. There is only one house on each of the streets they list that have the exact same sq ft and bed/bath coordinated. And they are ALWAYS in default. So basically they are selling you free PUBLIC INFORMATION. They are giving you the contact info to someone that is about to lose their house. The owner did NOT give permission for this company to list their house for lease and they are not looking to lease their house! I have spoken to the Dept. of Real Estate and WILL pursue them. On their website on the "contact us" button, they give an address: 11301 W. Olympic Blvd. Ste. 425, Los Angeles, CA 90064. Funny, its a 2 story building and no such suite number. Also, think about this. If this was a listing agency, wouldn't they have a place on their website for owners to inquire about leasing? PLEASE don't fall for this scam. And if you were unfortunate enough to have signed up with them and can give me any feedback, I would very much appreciate it. Thank you for your time.
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Additional Business Information
Hours   Phone   (800) 387-6228 Address   11301 West Olympic Blvd. Suite 425
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Website   http://www.myrealtydeal.com Email   Support@MyRealtyDeal.com
Contact   Customer Service Other  
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