Tami M.'s review of National Homeowner Solutions, LLC

National Homeowner Solutions, LLC

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 10/28/2010
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Review 10/28/2010
I want to start off by saying national homeowners solutions LLC has been a complete ray of sunshine even in most scariest storms my husband and I have encountered in the past 2year's.This indeed is a family owned and operated business which is what sets them apart from any other business by far.When the economy crashed and no one could get thru to their mortgage company and everyone was in a state of shock and the people of the united states were left to fend for themselves , a whole new door opened for a money making market for the most ruthless criminal minded people .I was receiving atleast 10 to 15 letter's in the mail each day telling me that their company could help me lower my mortgage rate get the principal balance reduced, you name it they promised it, well I decided to give a couple of them a call to see if maybe I could find a good company that wasn't going to rip us off our last little bit of savings we had left needless to say the first to wanted money right away before they could even begin to talk to us , I decided to try one more and I am so very thankful I did it was national homeowner solution's LLC ,a man with a very soothing voice answered and gave his name which was Peter,he made my husband and I feel wow there really is hope and from that moment 2 years ago my husband and I left our fate in their hand's . Connie took our file to heart as she does with all of her client's this woman is wonder woman to my husband and myself she took our home that was in foreclosure with an auction date and proceeded to do what she said she was going to do from the start , which was getus a loan modification and save our home that's all we wanted was to save our home ! We where at the point of no option's but to pay in full or loose our home.But with Connie's dedication and persistence, and many long hours on the phone to our mortgage company she proved to them that they had made a mistake in turning us down for a loan mod ,which took a lot of submitting paper work after paperwork, if this wonderful lady and her family were anything but dedicated to caring about the average Joe , my husband and myself along with our doggies would just be another statistic. If there is any company that deserves a standing ovation it's this company for their unselfish dedication and commitment to their client's .Connie I just want to say George and I thank-you so very much we both love you sincerely and we both have the utmost respect for you and your adoring family , may your company prosper for many more year's to come ..Best wishes always love George & Tami
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