Banned/Limited my account for NO REASON.
I had to open a dispute with paypal for a fraudulent seller. The seller uploaded false information about the purchase, and paypal not only sided with the fraudulent seller, they permanently banned/limited my account, holding over $1000 in funds I worked hard for, in an effort to spite me for opening a dispute.
I have a small business I run on eBay, with excellent customer satisfaction. I have never had a chargeback, and have used paypal without issue for years. I regular get large sales and purchases, and all transactions are satisfactory with all buyers. I maintain 100% positive feedback in my store, as I provide excellent value.
Paypal has repeatedly ignored my attempts to contact them. Now 4 times. I have filed a BBB report, and I have also filed a complaint with my State Attorney, as well as the California state attorney's office. My next step is to have my lawyer file a lawsuit for harrassment and abuse.
This is wrong, and I will go to any length I have to, to obtain the funds I worked hard for.