Lori S.'s review of TIMESHARE BY OWNER


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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 10/29/2011
. 3
. 1
Review 10/29/2011
Any company that calls you, unsolicited, and claims that they can sell your timeshare for multiple thousands of dollars immediately provided you pay them an upfront fee is, in all likelihood, a scam. Recently Timeshare by Owner began calling me, after buying my name/phone number from another scam artist. How do I know they're not using public records? Because they call asking for the wrong name, and on the wrong phone. (They call on my husband's phone, not mine.) They claim that I called them a "few months back" which is an outright lie as I have never contacted this company. They are scam artists who merely want to steal your money and then they'll disappear, change names and come back to do it all again. Btw, in today's economy, timeshares are *not* moving at all. I've spoken to several real estate agents in the area where my timeshare is located. According to them, prime weeks are being sold for as low as $50, with many being given away by the timeshare companies as an added "bonus" to anyone who actually buys a week. Beware, do your research on any companies that call, and don't fall for the idea that you can get alot of money for your timeshare. They're just not selling.
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Hours   Phone   (386) 304-3211 Address   3133 S Ridgewood Ave
Website   http://www.tsbotrader.com Email   info@timesharesbyowner.com
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