Khalil K.'s review of US Family Advocates, Inc.

US Family Advocates, Inc.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 11/6/2013
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To the US Family Advocates team. Thank You So Much!!
Good Morning, I first and foremost wanted to thank you for taking on the task of assisting me, in regards to gaining the much needed, and even more so desired, joint custody of my son, Kingston. It was a very long 5-6 month process, but it truly was worth
every second of time, effort, lost sleep, and every penny that was spent. For my testimony, I would like to definitely attest to the fact that you, Mr. Steve Moonly, and the rest of the U.S. Family Advocates staff have provided me with the tools, and guidance,
I needed to be able to not only obtain joint legal and physical custody of my son, but to also do so on, in essence, my terms. I spent less than $1500.00 for all the fees, and expenses, combined; from the start of the case when I paid my initial $100.00 to
the final $39.95 some 5-6 months later, I was able to obtain my goal while also not spending a fortune. I received very swift assistance, if I had any questions or concerns, assistance was literally a phone call or email away. I was very impressed by the fact
that assistance was not limited to a stereotypical Monday-Friday time frame. I also received assistance, and answers to questions, on the weekends as well. Even in the unexpected occasion that an issue arose, I was taken care of both, professionally, and swiftly,
so that my mind could rest at ease, and I could focus on that which is most dear to me-my son. In closing, I was very pleased with the service I received from Mr. Steve Moonly, and the U.S. Family Advocates staff. I would definitely recommend their services
to any father trying to gain custody of their child, or any of the other services that they offer, and are trying to not have to file bankruptcy afterwards because of plethora of money spent. If I ever am in need of child legality services again, I will definitely
be looking to Mr. Steve Moonly and the U.S. Family Advocates staff as my first, and second, choice. Attached I have included a copy of the court ordered paperwork, as was settled on July 19th, at the conclusion of the trial. I have also included a copy of
the questions I asked the Respondent when I called her to stand as a hostile witness. I thank you once again, and I know that my son, and entire family all do as well. Sincerely, Khalil
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Hours   8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday-Friday Phone   (760) 512-4441 Address   700 East Redlands Blvd., Suite U136
Redlands, CA 92373
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