Emily C.'s review of Westlake Financial Services

Westlake Financial Services

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Complaint Posted 10/10/2020
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Westlake Financial Services
4751 Wilshire Blvd #100
Los Angeles, CA 90010  (888) 893-7937 Hi! We have a BIG problem. I have been having a HELL of a time dealing with SHIFT (A used car company) and Westlake Financial Services trying to get My Prius (Electric-Hybrid) Car-financing paper finalized!!!!!!!!!! I live in Idaho (16-hour roundtrip from where the car is located in Portland, Oregon), and I got approved for financing via Westlake for 8.7% (Initially by the way I was told 7.2% via the financing team — it suddenly changed??), and was then told that I would have to PHYSICALLY drive 16-hours to Portland to “sign” the paperwork for the vehicle because Westlake Financial Services do not do “remote” signing???? I ended up going and driving the 16-hours simply because I wanted to TEST DRIVE the car before financially committing (Even though they have a return policy, it’s only 200 miles, which is NOTHING. I do that in 2 days, and I didn’t want to go through all the hassle involving in returning the vehicle AFTER a purchase has been made of un-doing all the financing, car insurance that Shift stated they NEEDED, and which by the way I had to pay nearly $100 for (See documents / attachment) via State Farm, before being allowed to TEST DRIVE IT!), ALL by my self with ZERO help and little financial resources — I was physically an emotionally exhausted, and had a horrendous time), and I spent $400 literally roundtrip in gas, hotels, rental cars, and other expenses), only to get there, and to My and the Employee’s surprise, appeared that the car had “4mm" in brakes (Brakes should NEVER be lower than 5mm), and might have had some battery (Note: This is a HYBRID, and electric issues can cost a FORTUNE - The battery alone to replace is $3000-5000 according to Toyota) issues (the battery was NOT charging and it was giving an error message, saying, “EV (Electric Vehicle) not available due to too low battery charge" and the car was absolutely filthy (The engine CAKED in dirt, film, and ASH (See pictures) from the Portland fires, and the interior of the car, ie back seats, sides of the door panels, etc. dirty!!!!) (See pictures) The driver and I were both shocked and thought this was UNBELIEVABLE. (Little did we know, and didn’t find out until *after* the fact that the brakes were drum brakes — Shift called me to let me know, however, I had already been on the interstate back to Idaho because I was REASSURED BY THE EMPLOYEE (Driver) that Shift would MAIL ME ALL OF MY PAPERWORK (Note: NOT just the “DMV" paperwork, but ALL of the paperwork, now that SHIFT / The DRIVER already had My Driver’s License ID and had already met with me in-person and verified My Identity). It was made VERY clear (I brought this up to Her SEVERAL times) that I would NOT be driving back to Oregon and that ALL of the paperwork would be mailed to me. She reassured me, multiple times, that this would be totally fine, makes sense, and that they’d find a way. Did they really expect me to drive all the way back??? Yes, I had originally gone to Portland, Oregon, driving the 16-hour ROUNDTRIP + Gas + Rental + Food + Hotels, ETC ($400), to test drive the car with the FULL intention that the car would be UP TO PAR and ready to sign the paperwork and then have it delivered to My Home, but the CAR WAS NOT READY!!!!!!!!!!!! The car needed servicing!!!!!!!! (Between the details alone — both interior and engine, the brakes checked / inspected, and (IMPORTANT), the ELECTRIC-SYSTEM / Battery!!!!!!!!!! (Which by the way, oddly / ironically enough was checked multiple times on the Carfax report??? Perhaps there may actually be an issue with it) (I could NOT take it to TOYOTA by the way to be looked at / inspected by a PROFESSIONAL A-GRADE “MASTER” tech for $209 (I was going to pay out of My OWN POCKET) because SHIFT would not allow this, stating it’s a “liability”) (This is why, *before* driving to Portland, I wasn’t entirely set on driving it home vs. having it delivered, because I wanted / needed to get it fully *inspected* 1st by a Trusted (Toyota) local mechanic, A-GRADE “MASTER” level technician who SPECIFICALLY WORKS ON TOYOTA HYBRIDS! Anyway, the driver knew 100% (Because we agreed Together BEFORE I LEFT PORTLAND, OREGON and drove back to IDAHO) that the team, now having My Driver’s License ID and had already met with me in-person and verified My Identity, would FED-EX me ALL of the NECESSARY PAPERWORK TO COMPLETE THE TRANSACTION!!!! My “Experience” (1st experience by the way) with SHIFT: -Originally quoted me 7.2% APR (Female from Financing Team), and now want 8.2% -Originally quoted me $271 on shipping, and then expected $371, and then went through HELL trying to get the $271 honored -Was told I could NOT take it to TOYOTA and PAY ($209! OUT OF MY OWN POCKET) to have it looked at / inspected by a PROFESSIONAL A-GRADE “MASTER” tech (BEFORE purchasing it) because SHIFT would not allow this, stating it’s a “liability”) (This is why, *before* driving to Portland, I wasn’t entirely set on driving it home vs. having it delivered, because I wanted / needed to get it fully *inspected* 1st by a Trusted (Toyota) local mechanic, A-GRADE “MASTER” level technician who SPECIFICALLY WORKS ON TOYOTA HYBRIDS! -Unrealistically expect(ed) me to drive 16-hour ROUNDTRIP + Gas + Rental + Food + Hotels, ETC ($400) out-of-state to Portland, Oregon to sign PAPERWORK! (This is absurd!!!!!!!) -Wasted My Time with getting State Farm Car Insurance (Time + Money — Yes, I paid nearly $100 for it — See document / image) -Showed me a DIRTY car and a car that was NOT “ready” to be SHOWN!!!!! The car had “4mm" in brakes (Brakes should NEVER be lower than 5mm), and might have had some battery (Note: This is a HYBRID, and electric issues can cost a FORTUNE - The battery alone to replace is $3000-5000 according to Toyota) issues (the battery was NOT charging and it was giving an error message, saying, “EV (Electric Vehicle) not available due to too low battery charge" and the car was absolutely filthy (The engine CAKED in dirt, film, and ASH (See pictures) from the Portland fires, and the interior of the car, ie back seats, sides of the door panels, etc. dirty!!!!) (See pictures) -I asked them TWO times send me PICTURES of the repair / service work that was done (ie, the battery check, the detailing (Engine + Interior), etc. and did NOT receive ANY thing -I asked them to please route everything via TEXT MESSAGE first due to My Client Appointments as a Healthcare professional and they kept BLOWING UP MY PHONE, interrupting My Client sessions and having to completely walk out of My Sessions. -Wasted My Time with traveling 16-hour ROUNDTRIP + Gas + Rental + Food + Hotels, ETC ($400) out-of-state to Portland, Oregon -Refuse to even WORK with me, and/or CREDIT me $400 (If you buy it in-person, they can credit you $400, so the company DEFINITELY has the leeway and RESOURCES to do this) for TRIP, or SHIPPING (which is $271 — Again, I went through absolute HELL trying to get them to HONOR this original amount, as they tried to INCREASE it to $371) I would like for the financing paperwork via Westlake to be FED-EX’d to me as PROMISED. I am HAPPY to pay to get it NOTARIZED at the police station or My Personal Bank (Chase). This is about INTEGRITY, and this is the car that I drove 16+ HOURS ROUNDTRIP + Gas + Rental + Food + Hotels, ETC ($400), to test drive the car with the FULL intention that the car would be UP TO PAR and ready to sign the paperwork and then have it delivered to My Home, but the CAR WAS NOT READY!!!!!!!!!!!! The car needed servicing!!!!!!!! And I was PROMISED once COMPLETED, ALL of the NECESSARY paperwork would be FED-EX’d to me!!!!!!!!!!!! (Now they are expecting me to repeat the WHOLE thing all over again and drive back *ANOTHER* 16-hour ROUNDTRIP + Gas + Rental + Food + Hotels, ETC ($400), and aren’t even willing to CREDIT / COMPENSATE ME?!) WHERE IS THE INTEGRITY??????? Financial: finance-support@shift.com Financial app source #60404899 General financing 855-744-6965
BBB Complaint #: 14832855
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Los Angeles, CA 90076
Website   http://www.westlakefinancial.com Email   bmoreno@westlakefinancial.com
Contact   Brenda Moreno Other  
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